#151 - 180

Las nubes
551.5 Sau Saunders-Smith, Gail. c2004.

Nuestra fantastica tierra
468 BAX Baxter, Nicola. 1997.

Nuestra tierra violenta.
551 Nue c1994.

Numbers = Los numeros
E BEA Beaton, Clare. 1996.

The old man & his door
468 SOT Soto, Gary. 1998, c1996.

Opposites = Los contrarios
E BEA Beaton, Clare. 1996.

La Oruga Muy Hambrienta = The very hungry caterpillar
E Car Carle, Eric 1994

Osos Polares
599.7 PAL Palmer, Sarah. 1989.

599.7 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1993.

636.3 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

Palomino horses
636.1 GAM Gammie, Janet L. 1996.

Patio de corredor
F Del Del Amo, Montserrat. c1994.

636.5 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

La peineta colorado
F Pic Pico, Fernando. 1997, c1991.

921 PIC Venezia, Mike. 1988.

A picture book of Simon Bolivar
921 BOL Adler, David A. 1992.

Pirates of the Spanish main,
910.4 Ame [1961]

Pizarro : conqueror of Peru
921 PIZ Jacobs, William Jay. 1994.

636.5 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

Ponce de Leon : Juan Ponce de Leon searches for the fountain of youth
921 Pon Heinrichs, Ann. c2002.

Ponce de Leon : a world explorer
BIO Pon Blassingame, Wyatt. [1965]

Por la gran cuchara de cuerno!
F Fle Fleischman, Sid, 1994, c1963.

Prietita and the ghost woman
F ANZ Anzaldúa, Gloria. c1995.

Los pueblo
970.004 DAP D'Apice, Mary. 1992.

Pueblos del pasado
468 FOR Forbes, Claire. 1997.

Queen Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada
BIO Eli Winwar, Frances. c1954.

Quien cuenta las estrellas?
F Low Lowry, Lois. 2003, c1990.

Quinito's neighborhood / El vecindario de Quinito / cuento, Ina Cumpiano ; ilustraciones, José Ramírez.
468 CUM Cumpiano, Ina. c2005.

Red ridin' in the hood : and other cuentos
FIC MAR Marcantonio, Patricia Santos. 2005.

Regiones polares
468 WAT Watts, Claire. 1998.

Viewing 151 - 180 of 231 for SPANISH