#211 - 231

Survival Spanish
460 Lon Longo, Alejandra

F Dor Dorris, Michael. 1996, c1995.

976.4 FRA Fradin, Dennis Brindell. 1992.

Three friends : a counting book = Tres amigos : un cuento para contar
468 BRU Brusca, María Cristina. 1995.

597.3 Mil Miller, Jonathan Sheikh 2000.

Las tortugas no tienen apuro
468 FOW Fowler, Allan. 1993.

The tree is older than you are : a bilingual gathering of poems & stories from Mexico with paintings by Mexican artists
860.9 Nye 1998, c1995.

Uncle Nacho's hat = El sombrero del Tio Nacho
E ROH Rohmer, Harriet. 1989.

636.2 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

Vasco Núñez de Balboa
921 BAL Ash, Maureen. c1990.

Vasco Nunez de Balboa and the discovery of the South Sea
921 Bal Marcovitz, Hal. 2002.

599.7 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

El ventanal
F Sni Snicket, Lemony. c2002.

Viajes Por Agua
468 OXL Oxiade, Chris 1998

Viajes por tierra
468 CHA Chancellor, Deborah. 1997.

La vida en las selvas
577.34 Bak Baker, Lucy, c2000.

Vuelo a la libertad
F Vec Veciana-Suarez, Ana. c2004.

Wars of independence
980 San Sanchez, Richard 1994.

Where do you think you're going, Christopher Columbus?
970.01 Fri Fritz, Jean. c1980.

Where the Wild Things Are
Y Siguio Lloviendo
E Sha Shannon, David 2002

Viewing 211 - 231 of 231 for SPANISH

#181 - 210

Los relampagos
551.5 Sau Saunders-Smith, Gail. c2004.

598.1 McC McCarthy, Colin. c2004.

El retorno del rey
F Tol Tolkien, J. R. R. 2001, c1991.

F Cus Cushman, Karen. c2004.

Rosa Blanca
F Inn Innocenti, Roberto. c1985.

Samuel el espantapajaros Lost
E GOR Gordon, Sharon. 1981.

Sarah, sencilla y alta
F Mac MacLachlan, Patricia. 1989, c1988.

Say hola, Sarah
F Gif Giff, Patricia Reilly. 1998.

Scooby-Doo y la maldicion de la momia
F Sco Gelsey, James 1998

Scooby-Doo yel castillo hechizado Lost
F Sco Gelsey, James 1998

The secret of Pirates' Hill,
F Dix Dixon, Franklin W. [c1972]

La selva tropical
468 MCC McCormick, Rosie. 1997.

597.9 Mil Miller, Jonathan Sheikh 2000.

Sharks Tiburones
597.3 Che Chessen, Betsey 1998

910.4 HOO Hook, Jason. c2002.

El signo del castor
F Spe Speare, Elizabeth George. c1989.

El signo del crisantemo
F Pat Paterson, Katherine. c1999.

Skippyjon Jones
E Sch Schachner, Judy

Snakes and Lizards Serpientes u lagartos
597.9 Mil Moreton, Daniel 1998

Soy bondadosa
177 SCH Schuette, Sarah L., c2004.

Soy cooperativa
179 SCH Schuette, Sarah L., c2004.

Soy honrado
179 SCH Schuette, Sarah L., c2004.

Soy paciente
179 SCH Schuette, Sarah L., c2004.

Soy respetuoso
179 SCH Schuette, Sarah L., c2004.

Soy responsable
179 SCH Schuette, Sarah L., c2004.

946 BAI Bailey, Donna. 1992.

The Spanish kidnapping disaster
F HAH Hahn, Mary Downing. 1991.

Spicy Hot Colors Colores Picantes
535.6 Sha Shahan, Sherry 2004

Spies in history
327.12 Wal Walker, Kate 2004

Stories from Spain,
398.2 Dol Dolch, Edward W. [1962]

Viewing 181 - 210 of 231 for SPANISH

#151 - 180

Las nubes
551.5 Sau Saunders-Smith, Gail. c2004.

Nuestra fantastica tierra
468 BAX Baxter, Nicola. 1997.

Nuestra tierra violenta.
551 Nue c1994.

Numbers = Los numeros
E BEA Beaton, Clare. 1996.

The old man & his door
468 SOT Soto, Gary. 1998, c1996.

Opposites = Los contrarios
E BEA Beaton, Clare. 1996.

La Oruga Muy Hambrienta = The very hungry caterpillar
E Car Carle, Eric 1994

Osos Polares
599.7 PAL Palmer, Sarah. 1989.

599.7 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1993.

636.3 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

Palomino horses
636.1 GAM Gammie, Janet L. 1996.

Patio de corredor
F Del Del Amo, Montserrat. c1994.

636.5 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

La peineta colorado
F Pic Pico, Fernando. 1997, c1991.

921 PIC Venezia, Mike. 1988.

A picture book of Simon Bolivar
921 BOL Adler, David A. 1992.

Pirates of the Spanish main,
910.4 Ame [1961]

Pizarro : conqueror of Peru
921 PIZ Jacobs, William Jay. 1994.

636.5 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

Ponce de Leon : Juan Ponce de Leon searches for the fountain of youth
921 Pon Heinrichs, Ann. c2002.

Ponce de Leon : a world explorer
BIO Pon Blassingame, Wyatt. [1965]

Por la gran cuchara de cuerno!
F Fle Fleischman, Sid, 1994, c1963.

Prietita and the ghost woman
F ANZ Anzaldúa, Gloria. c1995.

Los pueblo
970.004 DAP D'Apice, Mary. 1992.

Pueblos del pasado
468 FOR Forbes, Claire. 1997.

Queen Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada
BIO Eli Winwar, Frances. c1954.

Quien cuenta las estrellas?
F Low Lowry, Lois. 2003, c1990.

Quinito's neighborhood / El vecindario de Quinito / cuento, Ina Cumpiano ; ilustraciones, José Ramírez.
468 CUM Cumpiano, Ina. c2005.

Red ridin' in the hood : and other cuentos
FIC MAR Marcantonio, Patricia Santos. 2005.

Regiones polares
468 WAT Watts, Claire. 1998.

Viewing 151 - 180 of 231 for SPANISH

#121 - 150

Listen to the desert = Oye al desierto
811 MOR Mora, Pat. 1994.

La lluvia
551.5 Sau Saunders-Smith, Gail. c2004.

599.7 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

La luz del sol
551.5 Sau Saunders-Smith, Gail. c2004.

Madeline and the bad hat
E BEM Bemelmans, Ludwig. 1987, 1977, c1956.

Magia de medianoche
F Avi Avi, c2002.

Magic windows Ventanas magicas
306.85 LOM Lomas Garza, Carmen. 1999.

Un mal principio
F Sni Snicket, Lemony. c2001.

The man who was Don Quixote : the story of Miguel Cervantes
BIO Bus Busoni, Rafaello, [1982] printing, c1958.

599.5 PAL Palmer, Sarah. 1989.

599.7 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

Marisol Lost
F SOT Soto, Gary. c2005.

The matchlock gun
F Edm Edmonds, Walter Dumaux, 19419.

Matilda Huesos
F Cus Cushman, Karen. 2003, c2002.

Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English dictionary.
R 463 Mer 1998.

Mexico ABCs : a book about the people and places of Mexico
972 HEI Heiman, Sarah, c2003.

Mi asombroso cuerpo
468 WRI Wright, Rachel. 1997.

Una mirada al espacio
468 GLO Glover, David. 1998.

F Spi Spinelli, Jerry. c2004.

Monkeys Monos
599.8 Can Canizares, Susan 1998

Moon rope = Un lazo a la luna
E Ehl Ehlert, Lois. c1992.

Morsas (Spanish)
599.7 PAL Palmer, Sarah. 1989.

El mundo antiguo de Egipto
932 Har Hart, George, c2004.

El mundo marino
468 BAI Baines, Francesca. 1997.

My diary from here to there
F PER Perez, Amada Irma. 2002.

My Mexico = Mexico mio
811 JOH Johnston, Tony. 1999,c1996.

My name is Celia : the Life of Celia Cruz
468 BRO Brown, Monica, c2004.

Los Navajo
970.004 STA Stan, Susan. 1992.

Los Nez Percé
970.004 HOW Howes, Kathi, c1992.

Nos gusta la fruta!
468 ROB Robinson, Fay. 1993.

Viewing 121 - 150 of 231 for SPANISH

#91 - 120

Harry Potter y el caliz de fuego
F Row Rowling, J. K. c2001.

Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban
F Row Rowling, J. K. c2000.

Harry Potter y la camara secreta
F Row Rowling, J. K. 2002, c2001.

Harry Potter y la Orden del Fenix
F Row Rowling, J. K. c2004.

Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
F Row Rowling, J. K. 2002, c2001.

Hello Ocean = Hola Mar
E RYA Ryan, Pam Muñoz. c2003.

Hernan Cortes : the life of a Spanish conquistador
921 Cor West, David, 2005.

Hernando Cortes and the conquest of Mexico
921 Cor DeAngelis, Gina. 2000.

Hernando de Soto
920 DES Carson, Robert. 1991.

811 LON Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 1996.

Ho, ho, Benjamin, feliz navidad
F Gif Giff, Patricia Reilly. 1998.

F Sac Sachar, Louis, 2003, c2001.

I, Juan de Pareja
F BOR Trevino, Elizabeth Borton de. 1984,c1965.

I love Saturdays y domingos
E ADA Ada, Alma Flor. c2002.

I speak English for my mom
F Sta Stanek, Muriel. 1989.

If I had a Dragon Si Yo Tuviera un Dragon
E Ell Ellery, Tom & Amanda

Ignacio's chair
909 EVA Evangelista, Gloria. c2002.

In my family = En mi Familia
306.85 LOM Lomas Garza, Carmen. 1996.

Is Your Mama A Llama? ... and more stories about growing up

The Island Stallion,
F Far Farley, Walter, [1948]

It's a fiesta, Benjamin
F Gif Giff, Patricia Reilly. 1998.

Juan Ponce de Leon and the search for the Fountain of Youth
921 Pon Harmon, Dan. 2000.

Junie B. Jones expia un poquirritin (Junie B. Jones and some Sneaky Peeky Spying)
F PAR Park, Barbara 2002

Just a minute : a trickster tale and counting book
398.2 MOR Morales, Yuyi. c2003.

The knight and the squire : a retelling of the adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, based on Cervantes, Don Quixote de la
F Pal Palacios, Argentina. c1979.

Latin American Spanish phrase book
468.3 Lat 2000.

Learn Spanish (espanol) the fast and fun way
468.3 Ham Hammitt, Gene M. 1997.

Lejos del polvo
F Hes Hesse, Karen. c1997.

Leones Marinos
599.7 PAL Palmer, Sarah. 1989.

El libro de seguridad de Azulin
E POU Poulet, Virginia. 1990.

Viewing 91 - 120 of 231 for SPANISH

#61 - 90

Doctor de Soto
E STE Steig, William. 1998.

Donde viven los animales
468 GAN Ganeri, Anita. 1998.

Las dos torres
F Tol Tolkien, J. R. R. 2001, c1991.

Eight Animals Bake a Cake
E ELY Elya, Susan Middleton, c2002.

Esperanza renace
F Rya Ryan, Pam Munoz. c2002.

El estanque del mirlo
F Spe Speare, Elizabeth George. 1995, c1958.

Exploracion del sistema solar
523.2 Rat Rathbun, Elizabeth. c1993.

Explorers of the World: Spanish Explorers
910 Exp 2000

El Expreso Polar
E Van Van Allsburg, Chris. 1992, c1988.

Family = La familia
E BEA 1996.

El fantasma aullador
F STI Stine, R. L. 1995

Featherless - Desplumado
E Her Herraera, Juan Felipe 2004

Federiquito el sapo
E GRE Greydanus, Rose. 1981.

Feelings and emotions = Sentimientos
419 Pet Petelinsek, Kathleen. 2005.

Food = Comida
419 Pet Petelinsek, Kathleen. 2005.

Francisco de Coronado
921 COR Stein, R. Conrad. c1992.

Francisco Pizarro and the conquest of the Inca
921 Piz DeAngelis, Gina. 2001.

Friends from the other side = Amigos del otro lado
F ANZ Anzaldua, Gloria. [1995],c1993.

From the bellybutton of the moon and other summer poems = Del ombligo de la luna y otros poemas de verano
811 ALA Alarcon, Francisco X. 1998.

Getting to know Spain and Spanish
468 DES De Saules, Janet. 1993.

Ghost canoe
F Hob Hobbs, Will 1997.

A gift for Abuelita : celebrating the Day of the Dead Abuelita: en celebraci n del D a de los Muertos
E Lue Luenn, Nancy 1998

Giggle, Giggle, Quack : ... and more funny favorites
DVD Giggle

Gloria Estefan : never give up
921 EST Kramer, Barbara. c2005.

Good dog, Bonita
F Gif Giff, Patricia Reilly. 1998.

Good Queen Bess : the story of Elizabeth I of England
BIO Eli Stanley, Diane. c1990.

Gracias a Winn-Dixie
F DiC DiCamillo, Kate. 2004, c2002.

La habitacion de los reptiles
F Sni Snicket, Lemony. c2001.

El hacha
F Pau Paulsen, Gary. 1991, c1989.

Happy birthday, Anna, Sorpresa!
F Gif Giff, Patricia Reilly. 1998.

Viewing 61 - 90 of 231 for SPANISH

#31 - 60

Un carro de bomberos grande y rojo
E GRE Greydanus, Rose. 1981.

Cars, trucks and planes = Carros, camiones y aviones
388 ROS Rosa-Mendoza, Gladys. c2004.

La Casa Adormecida
E WOO Wood, Audrey 1984

599.3 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1990.

Cat in the Hat - El Gato Ensombreerado
E Seu Seuss 1995

Celebraciones y festivales
468 CHR Chrisp, Peter. 1998.

Cerdos = Pigs
636.4 STO Stone, Lynn M. 1991

El ciclo del agua
551.4 Fro Frost, Helen, c2004.

Cinderella Cenicienta
398.2 BOA Boada, Francesc adapted by 1997

Clic, clac, muu : vacss escritoras
E CRO Cronin, Doreen. c2000.

Clifford - El Gran Perro Colorado
E Bri Bridwell, Norman 1988

Clothes = La ropa
E BEA Beaton, Clare. 1996.

Clothes = Ropa
419 PET Petelinsek, Kathleen. c2007.

Colors and shapes = Colores y formas
419 PET Petelinsek, Kathleen. c2005.

Colors = los colores
E BEA Beaton, Clare. 1996.

Columbus Day
394.26 Ans Ansary, Mir Tamim. c1999.

Comments for Report Cards & Notes Going Home
Pro Lang Lang, Audrey Clifford 2004

Contento Juan
E PET Peters, Sharon. 1981.

Cool Cats Counting
513.2 Sha Shahan, Sherry 2005

Count with Dora!
E Dor Beinstein, Poebe 2002

Cuckoo : A Mexican Folktale = Cucu : un cuento folklorico mexicano
E EHL Ehlert, Lois. c1997.

Dance to the rescue
E DOR Driscoll, Laura. c2005.

Days and times = Días y horas
419 PET Petelinsek, Kathleen. c2007.

De La cabeza a los pies
E Car Carle, Eric 1987

Delicious Hullabaloo Pachanga deliciosa
811.54 MOR Mora, Pat 1998

599.5 PAL Palmer, Sarah. 1989.

El día del partido
E MEI Meister, Cari. c2001.

El día del Rey Dragón
F OSB Osborne, Mary Pope. c2007.

Un Dinosaurio llamado Sue el Hallazgo del siglo
567.9 Rob Robinson, Fay 1999

567.9 BIS Bishop-Firth, Rachel.

Viewing 31 - 60 of 214 for SPANISH